Библиотека курортолога«МАТЕРИАЛЫ Международного научного конгресса и 62-й сессии Генеральной Ассамблеи Всемирной Федерации Водолечения и Климатолечения (ФЕМТЕК)» → EFFICIENCY OF APPLICATION OF MEDICAL FACTORS OF SOURCE ADGY-SU AT DISEASES OF THE SKIN


Samotejkina L.V., Ngema M.V., Krivosheeva I.M., Zhukova N.V.

Republican physiotherapeutic hospital «Black waters»


The purpose of research was development and improvement of the differentiated techniques of patients psoriasis, eczema and a neurodermatitis in a local resort «Black waters», directed on normalization of a functional condition of a skin and immunological reactance of an organism.

The hydro mineral base of a clinic is based on small mineralized waters and middle mineralized sulphidic dirties of mineral source «Adgy-Su».

Under supervision was 566 person (240 — with psoriasis, 174 — with eczema, 152 — with a neurodermatitis) in the age of from 17 till 70 years. The basic group included 320 patients receiving treatment in resort «Black waters» by the developed techniques. The control group was made by 246 patients in which complex treatment without resort treatment.

Sanatorium treatment of patients included no doses elements of klimato therapy, mineral baths of temperature 36-37оС (on a rate of 12-15 baths) an exposition of 10-15 minutes according to 3 modes: sparing (procedures in a day), small-training (procedures for 2 days with a break on 3й), training (procedures for 3-4 days with the next day rest). The dirty was appointed by the standard techniques of mud procedures.

After a rate of the lead (the carried out) treatment clinical recovery and improvement in the basic group in 2.3 times was higher, than in control, and absence of effect in this group was marked in 9 times less often. In process resort treatment confident shifts aside normalization of some parameters of the immune status of patients dermatosis were marked also: decrease in a level of the IgG; some increase IgА most expressed at patients by a neurodermatitis. At patients with psoriasis in process treatment the level total T-lymphocitis authentically raised. At patients with eczema and a neurodermatitis increase of common number T-lymphocitis, level B-lymphocitis was marked, and IRI — came nearer to norm, that also testifies to positive result of therapy. In dynamics monocytogramm the level monocytis 3 groups (growing old cells) was authentically reduced due to a level monocytis 2 groups (mature monocytis). After a rate treatment norm reaction the type of dermographism has grown with 14.2 up to 33.3 %, and the pathological type has decreased with 85,8 to 66,7%.

Thus, under influence of complex treatment with use of medical factors of source «Adgy-Su» convincing results of positive dynamics of current of patients psoriasis, eczema and by a neurodermatitis, confirmed with the clinical data and immunological researches are received.

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