Библиотека курортолога → «Материалы Международного научного конгресса. 60-ая сессия Генеральной Ассамблеи Всемирной Федерации Водолечения и Климатолечения (ФЕМТЕК)» → BALNEOREHABILATATION PATIENTS AFTER REMOVAL OT A HERNIA OF A DISC ON A RESORT KISLOVODSK
ThesisesBALNEOREHABILATATION PATIENTS AFTER REMOVAL OT A HERNIA OF A DISC ON A RESORT KISLOVODSKPotapov V.F., Liev A.A., Skorobogach M.I. Сlinic vertebronevrologii the Stavropol state medical academy, Kislovodsk sgma@narzan.com Application of stage-by-stage rehabilitation for patients after removal of a hernia of a disk has shown, that at patients neurologic deficiency authentically is more often restored, pains regress, force in the weakened muscles raises, frequency repeated formation of a hernia and relapses low-back pain and sciatic pain decreases, the correct bearing and gait is more quickly restored. In opinion of some authors for last years, cases of hernial complications of degenerate process in a backbone demand operative intervention. Also it is known, that 1/3 operated patients with similar diseases in the subsequent suffer arachnoмeningitis, breaking normal spinal fluid and substantially interfering microcirculation. Our experimental researches have shown, that for |